A modern luxe portfolio website is the best way to showcase your latest work and projects!
Luxe Portfolio Website
Please read the full description before purchasing
- Home Page
- About Page
- Portfolio Page
- 7-15 Projects
- Gallery
- Service Info Page (no booking option)
- Blog
- Mobile Friendly & Responsive
- Social Media Intergration
- Custom 404
Keep in mind you do not have to use all of these features in your portfolio.
How to submit the required information:
- Please email your designer at royaltydesigns0@gmail.com with all the necessary information. If any further information your designer will request a free 15 minute online consultation.
- Required information: Provide an email you would like to use for your wix website. Create and share a document (google or word) with all wording you would like under each project, blog, services and any other section of your website. Upload and share a google drive with photos/videos in high qualities you would like to use. Please be as detailed and organized as possible!
- For the best design results, you may also provide inspiration links along with the requirements listed above.